2012. április 22., vasárnap

Tróok harca kvííííz

Esküszöm, hogy nem csaltam :) Kicsit féltem, hogy talán Lannisternek oszt, mert a kedvenc színem a piros :D, de úgy tűnik, hogy a "kedvenc állatom a farkas" ezt kiegyenlítette :)

Tiszta vicces, hogy második helyen a Targaryenek vannak :D szeretem a sárkányokat ^^

In which Game of Thrones house do you belong?
Your Result: You belong in HOUSE STARK - Winter is Coming
resultHouse Stark is the most influential and notable power in the North. From their stronghold at Winterfell, the Starks guard the old ways against the dishonourable and fractious houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Their devotion to honour and the old gods wins them few friends in the court of King’s Landing and beyond, but this very same dedication to tradition commands respect from the lords of the North. Those Northmen who bend the knee to Eddard Stark have been hard won with respect, devotion, and justice. His sons show signs that they too will be well-respected and beloved leaders in the North upon ascending to the lordship of this enduring and storied house.
You belong in HOUSE TARGARYEN - Fire and Blood
You belong in HOUSE BARATHEON - Ours is the Fury
You belong in HOUSE ARRYN - As High as Honor
You belong in HOUSE LANNISTER - Hear Me Roar
In which Game of Thrones house do you belong?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Éssss, hogy melyik szereplő lennék a Trónok harcában. Mikor Robb jött ki, olyan jót nevettem rajta :D Azt hittem valami Samwell Tarly, vagy Bran vagy tudomisénki lesz :D Itt se csaltam :D Bár nehéz is lett volna, amilyen kretén kérdések voltak :D

Which 'Game of Thrones' Character Are You?

More on Game of Thrones. Created by BuddyTV

Egy másik kérdéssoron pedig Drogo lettem :D Ezt nem tudom, hogy hozták ki, mert azt hiszem az égvilágon semmi közös nincsen bennünk :D ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ és neeeee 5%ig Joffrey vagyok. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!4 :D

You Scored as Khal Drogo
You are Khal Drogo. A fierce warrior, you never run from a fight and have never lost one either. You are capable of acts of great violence, but also great love. However, you can sometimes be arrogant.

Khal Drogo
Daenerys Targaryen
Tyrion Lannister
Eddard Stark
John Snow
Petyr Baelish
Jaimie Lannister
Robert Baratheon
Joffrey Lannister

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